In the midst of Bangladesh’s War of Liberation, Aly Zaker fought as a “Warrior of the Word” at Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra. Inspired by the famous journalist and filmmaker Alamgir Kabir, Aly Zaker joined the English Department of Shadhin Bangla Betar Kendra, located at the Baliganj Circular Road in Calcutta. He worked there under the pseudonym of ‘Abu Muhammad Ali’ till January 8, 1972. As a war correspondent for the 1971 Liberation War, he presented authentic information about Bangladesh’s struggle for freedom to the outside world. During that time, Aly Zaker was engaged in broadcasting ‘The Naked Truth’ in response to Radio Pakistan’s ‘Whole Truth’. At various times during this period, he had covered the news of every war sector in Bangladesh to broadcast war reports.

Among his contributions to the Liberation War of 1971 as a war correspondent, Aly Zaker shared all his extraordinary wartime experiences through his writings. From his autobiographical book ‘Shei Orunodoy Theke’, we can see glimpses of the turbulent period during the Liberation War. Furthermore, in numerous columns of his writing, there are various analytical directions for the new generation on the issues of independence in Bangladesh, his perception of the Liberation War in the changed political context and what can be done to capture the true spirit of the Liberation War. These columns have been published in various leading Bengali and English dailies in Bangladesh, namely: Dainik Sangbad, Dainik Janakantha, Samakal, Dainik Kaler Kantha, Prothom Alo and The Daily Star. These columns give us an in-depth view of his thoughts and perceptions, while also teaching us to think about how to come out of the limitations of thought and find the right path.

25 years after the independence of Bangladesh, Aly Zaker along with 7 other compatriots, as the founding members of the Trust, established the Liberation War Museum which is an authentic collection of evidence from the Liberation War of 1971. From the beginning to the end of his life, in his heart, Aly Zaker nurtured the purest form of love for his country, the Bengali language and the Bengali culture.